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Minggu, 09 November 2008

Nih ad Cheat Bwat ~Warcraft III Frozen Throne~

Moga-moga yang suka maen curang diberkati oleh tuhan YME
Tapi cheatnya cuman buat maen single loo....

Nih akang kasih cheatnya.........

WhoIsJohnGaltEnable research
keysersoze (value)Gold
thereisnospoonInfinite mana
whosthebomb (color)Instant Death to Color
iocainepowderInstant doom
somebodysetusupthebombInstant Loss
thedudeabidesInstant spell performance
allyourbasearebelongtousInstant Win
whosyourdaddyInvulnerability and 1 shot kills
motherland (race) (level number)Level select
leafittome (value)Lumber
greedisgood (value)Lumber and Gold
strengthandhonorPlay after dying in campaign mode
-creepmeoutPlay as Creeps in Monolith
TenthLevelTaurenChieftainPlay the "Power of the Horde" song
whoisjohngaltQuick research
=Re-enters the last cheat code you typed.
sharpandshinyResearch all upgrades
DaylightSavings (Insert Hour)Reset the time to the hour specificed (without a number, this toggle the day/night cycle on/off)
WarpTenSpeeds up the construction of buildings and units
synergyTurn off Tech-Tree
itvexesmeTurn off Victory
pointbreakUnits need no farms
iseedeadpeopleView entire map

Tapi inget, ngecheat dapat menyebabkan kanker, serangan otak, impotensi dan gangguan kejiawaan dan kebodohan Read More…

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